At the heart of the system is a macro composite pipe of five layers. The inside layer is made of cross-linked polyethylene (Pex). This is bonded to an overlapped welded aluminium layer which in turn is bonded to an outside cross-linked polyethylene (Pex) layer. All layers are extruded in one step. The middle aluminium layer is 100% gas/oxygen tight. This structure gives Gas Pex pipe the advantages of both metal and plastic while avoiding their weakness.

 Faster, cheaper and better.

With Gas Pex™, both the product and fittings are significantly lower in cost when compared to similar copper tubing systems. This saves both the plumber and consumer money. The product is lightweight, bendable and does not need to be welded. A crimp fitting system is used to make the installation task easy. Installation times are significantly reduced in comparison to traditional copper systems saving labour on each and every job. This increases productivity and further reduces the costs of installation.

There is a range of quality affordable tools and fittings designed for rapid, accurate and easy installation across the Pex range.

  • Pipe available in lengths and coils from 16mm up to 63mm
  • Wide range of fittings in all sizes
  • Large range of quality affordable tools
  • On-line product training
  • Independently certified to AS4176 and ATS5200 by SAI Global
  • Backed by a 25 year product warranty


pex - al - pex

Pex/Al/Pex is a five layered macro-composite construction for hot and cold water applications. The inside layer is made of cross-linked polyethylene (Pex). This is bonded to an overlapped welded aluminium layer which in turn is bonded to an outside cross-linked polyethylene Pex layer. The middle layer is 100% oxygen tight and all layers are extruded in one step.


Pex-b Multi-Purpose

Pex-b Multi-Purpose piping is a lower cost general purpose piping system for hot and cold water applications. The inner layer of the pipe is constructed from Pex-b material. Bonded to the pipe is an outer coloured layer that provides the product with increased UV resistance making it suitable for external applications.



All Water Pex™ fittings are made from high quality DR brass and can be used for Water Pex™, Gas Pex™ and Heat Pex™ installations. In addition all systems use the same tooling.

There is full support and training for first-time users.

  • Pex/Al/Pex or Pure Pex-b options
  • Full range of colours including black, blue, red, lilac and green
  • Sizing from 16mm through to 32mm, available in lengths and coils
  • Common tools & fittings for Water, Gas and Heat Pex systems
  • Independently Certified to AS4176 and AS2492 by SAI Global
  • Backed by a 25 year product warranty


خط تولید  ، خدمات فنی و مهندسی ،کارخانه تولید ،خط تولید لوله پنج لایه pex،خط تولید لوله پکس ،محصولات پلیمری ،صنعت پلیمر ، محصولات لاستیک و پلاستیک ، ماشین آلات تولید ،راه اندازی کارخانه ، نصب و راه اندازی خط تولید ، مشاوره صنعتی ، مشاوره تولیدی ،سرمایه گذاری صنعتی و تولیدی ، طرح توجیهی ، پروژه صنعتی ، سازنده خط تولید ،سازنده ماشین آلات ،اکسترود تولید ،سازنده اکسترودر تولید ،اکستروژن ،سازنده_دستگاه تولید لوله پنج لایه ،پلیمر ،تکنولوژی تولید ،فرآیند تولید ،تجهیزات صنعتی،

خط توليد پروفيل در و پنجره upvc، خط توليد داکت برق، خط توليد پنل ديوارپوش ، پانل ديواري و سقف کاذب pvc، خط توليد لوله پليکا PVC، خط توليد لوله تک لايه PEX ،خط توليد لوله پنج لايه کامپوزيت آلومينيوم و پکس  PEX AL PEX، خط توليد لوله يک لايه وچند لايه پلي اتيلن و پلي پروپيلن و پکس PP,PE,PEX، دستگاه لمينيت پانل، دستگاه هات استمپ پانل PVc خط UV ، هاي لايت يا براق پانل

,p production line FIVE LAYER PIPE ,PEX FIVE LAYER PIPE ,PIPING_PEX ,TUBE PEX ,PEX piping, ,PEX_AL_PEX ,PEX PIPE ,PEX_TUBE,production line ,PRODUCTION LINE POLYMER ,Trading Company, ,Production plan ,Industrial design ,Production Project ,Industrial project ,Technical Services ,Engineering services ,production technology ,Production Process ,Industrial equipment ,Machinery, ,Machine ,Setup Factory ,Installation production line Industry,Extrude,extrusion ,Industrial, ,Manufacturer production line, Manufacturer machines and machinery, #pex_pipe_production_line,

,Pex pipe machinery, Pex pipe machine, FIVE LAYER PIPE , ، PIPE PEX-AL-PEX ، pex five layer pipe production line, pex piping production machine  pex pipe، pex tube machinery، PEX tubing، PIPE MANUFACTURE pex-al-pex-pipe-five-layer-production-line-machinery-machine- piping-tubing-tube-ManufacturerEX-AL-PEX PIPE production machine|pex five layer pipe production line| piping machinery| tube tube|PEX tubing| tubing MANUFACTURE FIVE LAYER PIPE , , PERT ، PIPE PEX-AL-PEX ،pex pipe , pex five layer pipe production line, pex pipe production line  pex، pex piping ، pex pipe mashinery، PEX PIPE MACHINE،PEX AL PEX PIPE

خط توليد لوله پنج لايه و تک لایه آلومینیوم و پکس pex ، ماشین آلات توليد لوله پنج لایه و تک لایه پکس PEX ، دستگاه تولید لوله هاي پنج لايه ، کارخانه تولید لوله پنج لایه PEX ، خط تولید لوله تک لایه PEX , PERT خط-تولید-دستگاه-لوله-پنج-لایه-پکس-آلومینیومخط توليد لوله پنج لايه و تک لایه کامپوزیت آلومینیوم و پکس pex ، ماشین آلات توليد لوله پنج لایه و تک لایه پکس PEX ، دستگاه تولید لوله هاي پنج لايه ، کارخانه تولید لوله پلي اتيلن PEX ،